on mar. 14, liaoning province vice governor liu qiang led a delegation of heads from relevant provincial-level authorities to dsic for investigation of offshore industrial development, where dsic leaders liu zheng and yu fengping accompanied his party.
liu qiang and his party went to dsic offshore docks and piers, listening to the reports on enterprise construction background, production and operation, business scope, and market outlook, etc., asking the detailed status on enterprise independent r&d and scientific innovation, jointly studying with the enterprise leaders the effective actions to take in the fields of innovative drive, technical innovation and restructuring, and coordinating the relevant provincial-level authorities in situ to help solve the practical difficulties encountered by the enterprise.
dsic leaders liu zheng and yu fengping introduced, dsic offshore co., ltd. was set up in 2006, during which relevant provincial- and municipal- level authorities have given us a positive support. we have taken the domestic lead in entering the construction field of offshore equipment as a shipbuilding enterprise, with the world first-class specialized offshore dock and supporting production facility conforming to the international offshore engineering standards. we have successfully developed out dsj300, dsj500 and dsj400 jackups one after another. we have kept optimizing product mix actively while maintaining our advantage in constructing the jackups, where we have already combined all types of jackups with semi-submersible drilling platforms, supplemented by the serial products like living support quarter, operation support platform, repair platform, gas carrier and specialized offshore working boat, beginning to bear a fruit in product restructuring.
liu qiang sang praises of the achievements of steady development made by dsic offshore co., ltd., pointing out that, since the offshore equipment manufacturing industry has been brought into the national strategic emerging industry for speeding up cultivation and development, dsic offshore should seize the favorable opportunity for further promoting rejuvenation and development of northeast china, make energetic efforts for scientific and technical innovation, enhance r&d on core technology, and optimize product mix so as to build up a first-class offshore equipment manufacturing enterprise.