the second workshop of dsic has launched the free covid-19 vaccination on 25th april 2021 and set up a temporary vaccination spot at the comprehensive conference room. the medical staff from xigang district prophylactic immunization out-patient service provided the first vaccination for staff, contract workers, outsourced employees, and staff of ship owners, ship surveyors and service providers. ms. wu chunni, the vice director of xigang district and her staff came to the site and supervised the vaccination work.
to ensure the effective covid-19 vaccination, dsic’s covid-19 prevention and control leader team has organized the work carefully, and coordinated the vaccination from all aspects, divide the tasks, mobilized the staff and put all of efforts into the vaccination work.
there were seven spots for this vaccination. they were set up in strict accordance with the prevention and control requirements of covid-19, with waiting area, reservation, registration and waiting area, pre-checking area, computer registration area, vaccination area, observation area, medical guarantee area, and were also equipped with emergency rescue facilities, enough working staff and guarantee staff to ensure that the covid-19 vaccination work is carried out safely and orderly in accordance with the standard.
the covid-19 vaccination work for the second workshop has lasted for four days, and it was planned to complete the vaccination for 12200 people. it was planned to complete the vaccination of 3000 people on the first day 25th april. the first workshop has completed the vaccination of 3199 people on 8th april. dsic will continue to work carefully and provide standard, high-quality and efficient vaccination service for the staff. |