on nov. 30, no.43 180k dwt bulk carrier of hl passion, constructed for front baltic inc. by dsic, has been signed for delivery, where the representatives on behalf of frontline, csoc and dsic signed the delivery and acceptance protocol accordingly.
during construction of hl passion, dsic has detailed the micro-milestones and medium on-water and under-water plans for this vessel, where lifting efficiency is 13% higher than the first vessel of same type and the integrity of general assembly of engine room block has been raised substantially. integral hoisting after general assembly of hatch coaming is put into practice so as to reduce the erecting time on board through improving the working method, with a period of 3 days to be shortened on average. the pass rate of pre-trial inspection items on this vessel is 99.8% while inspection items have all passed right the first time during sea trial, which has created favorable conditions for smooth realization of delivery milestone.